Thursday, August 6, 2015

Saying Goodbye Assistant Principal Chris Long

Our staff surprised Mrs. Chris Long with a going away party today.

Chris is relocating with her family to Colorado and therefore a teary goodbye was in order.

Mrs. Long has be such a TREMENDOUS asset to WJHS over the past two years and will be GREATLY missed.

Our staff presented her with gifts and showered her with praise today.

During her time at WJHS, Chris has been the driving force behind so many of the successes that we have had including the development of The Wildcat Way.

Her ability to organize and mobilize the troops by providing clear concise directions and guidance is exceptional.

The Positive Pop Ins that she performed as part of her instructional supervision were always greatly appreciated by our teachers.

Chris is also a master of providing honest, constructive feedback in a professional manner.

Mrs. Long, we love you, cherish the time that we had with you, and wish you and your family nothing but the best in Colorado.

You'll always be a part of The Wildcat Way.

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