Monday, October 27, 2014

Jr. High Bands Experience Friday Night Lights

The BHS band was competing at the Bands of America Super Region in Indianapolis last week so the bands from Fulbright, Lincoln, and Washington got the opportunity to perform under the lights last Friday night. It was a blast for our band students and really helped maintain the electric atmosphere that Tiger Stadium has become know for. Way to go band!
P.S. The BHS Band made the finals!

WJHS Football Highlights

Thanks to Dave Hughes for compiling and sharing this video of the WJHS Wildcats in action. Go Wildcats!

WJHS 8th Band Fall Concert

Mr. Hughes recorded, edited, and uploaded this video of our wonderful 8th Grade Band Fall Concert last week.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Calling All Crafty Wildcats!

The next Crafternoon will be Tuesday, December 9th, at the beginning of seminar. For December we're making Christmas ornaments. There are only 50 slots, so sign up in the library now! 


Flu shot forms are available and will be sent home in report cards. There will be no mist available to students 7th grade and above per the health department. Forms HAVE to be turned in by Friday, 10/31.

Interested in Creative Writing?

The Wildcat Writers will meet during seminar Tuesday, October 28. We'll be writing some fun spooky stories. Sign up in the library today. 

Mr. Kory Price Receives The Brightest Classroom Recognition

Mr. Price was surprised this morning by KNWA’s Dan Skoff and received a $500 check from the Brightest Future classroom project.

The presentation will air on KNWA tonight at 5 PM and they will send us a link so that everyone can view it tomorrow.

Congratulations Mr. Price!!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Teachers of WJHS: Thanks for Another Great Week

It’s been another great week here at WJHS.

Mrs. Judy Marquess, Executive Director of Secondary Instruction, helped top it off with her visit this morning.

As usual, Judy was very complimentary of what she saw in the classrooms that we visited- engaged students, having fun, AND learning.

Mrs. Marquess and I encountered laughter in virtually every classroom that we visited this morning.  It wasn't “off topic” laughter but genuine happiness about what they were accomplishing within the lessons.

Students were more than happy to share what they were doing and why they were doing it.

Our students are so lucky to have teachers that strive to incorporate real world activities and scenarios and provide students an opportunity to display their knowledge in ways other than traditional paper and pen tests, worksheets, etc.

I appreciate the effort that you put into teaching each week.


Have a great weekend!  

Tim Sparacino, Principal
Go Wildcats!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

In Remembrance

Today at WJHS our students honored Floyd Smith by sharing words of encouragement to his family through a graffiti wall, creating bracelets to wear to show support for our Wildcat community, raising approximately $1000 to give to Floyd's family by participating in a hat day, and planting a memorial tree on the front lawn of WJHS as a lasting symbol.  Our hope is that through these actions and symbols, we will honor the great impact that Floyd had on us as individuals and as a Wildcat community.

WJHS Staff Members Recognized for Excellence

Today Rob and Miguel, important members of our WJHS family, were recognized for their outstanding work. No only do they model the Wildcat Way for our students, but they keep our facilities up and running and we'd be lost without them! Thanks to both of them!

FCA meets Monday mornings at 8am!

FCA meets Monday mornings at 8am in the band room for a Bible study. Anyone and Everyone is welcome!